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Responsible supply chain

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Our policy & requirements

We expect all our suppliers to follow our Code of Ethical Purchasing Policy and Doing What’s Right principles that are integral to our Code of Conduct

We have developed robust systems to ensure that our suppliers share our values and strive to meet our mandatory ethical, labour and environmental standards. We want to work with those suppliers that are most closely aligned with Vodafone’s purpose. 

We expect our suppliers to be accountable for managing risk in their operations and to hold their own suppliers accountable to the same high standards. We want to ensure safe and fair working conditions, along with responsible management of environmental and social issues across our supply chains, through a commitment to continuous improvement shared by all our suppliers. 

Our critical standards in our Code of Ethical Purchasing Policy cover clear expectations on topics such as ensuring the safety of people working with us, no child labour, no forced labour, fair payment and working hours, fair disciplinary practices, no discrimination, anti-bribery, responsible sourcing of minerals and the protection of the environment.

Our Modern Slavery Statement (below) provides an overview of the measures we take to address the risk of modern-day slavery in our businesses and our supply chain.

Our Conflict Minerals Policy and Report (below) provides an overview of Vodafone’s due diligence framework to mitigate any risk that conflict minerals are used in our products.

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  • Vodafone Group will evaluate suppliers on their commitments to safety, diversity and inclusion and the environment when they tender for new work, ensuring that Vodafone's supply chain contributes towards Vodafone's 2040 net zero goal.
  • By 2030, Vodafone will halve carbon emissions from Scope 3 sources from supply chain purchases.
  • By 2040, we aim to achieve net zero emissions across our full value chain.

Learn more about our supplier chain