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WWF Vodafone – one year into our partnership

28 Nov 2023Protecting the Planet
3 minute read

The Vodafone and WWF partnership started in November 2022 with the aim of using technology to help address environmental impacts and help everyone make more sustainable choices by promoting a shift to a more sustainable circular economy.

Over the first year of our three-year partnership, our campaign - One Million Phones for the Planet - has seen Vodafone collect 210,000 unloved and used phones to be reused and recycled responsibly. Encouraging greater use of refurbished phones is a key element of Vodafone’s drive to accelerate progress towards a more circular economy.

What’s more, for every phone collected, £1 is generated for WWF conservation projects across the world. These donations are helping to fund WWF’s global conservation activities, helping to address the climate and nature crisis, and finding solutions so future generations have a world with thriving habitats and wildlife.

“As we move into the second year of our partnership with WWF, we’re excited to continue collaborating and inspiring consumers to make more sustainable choices. The One Million Phones for the Planet is a fantastic initiative that encourages everyone to hand in their old phones, supporting a more circular economy and generating donations to fund key WWF programmes across the world.” - Anne Stilling, Global Brand & Media Director at Vodafone Group

“We’re looking forward to continuing our work with Vodafone to accelerate towards the goal of collecting one million phones for the planet, as our partnership moves into its second year. Supporting a shift to a more circular economy is key to address technology’s climate and nature impacts, from production through to disposal of electronic waste.” - Kate Norgorve, Exec Director of Advocacy and Campaigns at WWF-UK

Beyond One Million Phones for the Planet, the Vodafone WWF partnership has also seen strategic initiatives take shape in key markets in Europe and Africa. In South Africa, for example, we are developing technology to help prevent whale entanglement in mussel farming equipment and continuing our long-term work promoting sustainable seafood sourcing and choices.

“Vodacom has been an amazing supporter of WWF South Africa’s marine work over a number of years and we are proud that this has grown into a central part of the WWF/Vodafone collaboration” - Justin Smith, Head of Business Development at WWF South Africa

In Greece, we are working together to deliver zero waste and net zero Vodafone stores, whilst also developing awareness raising and engagement platforms to help Vodafone customers make greener choices. In Germany, Vodafone has supported the production of a WWF report focused on shifting to a circular economy.

Vodafone’s partnership with WWF has also supported the production of business-focused content, providing guidance for small and medium sized enterprises to adopt more sustainable approaches, from implementing office management practices that will help reduce environmental impacts, to considering the benefits of green pensions, and addressing the issue of e-waste. This business-focused content is delivered through Vodafone’s V-Hub platform.

As we look towards our second year in partnership, we will continue to focus on the role every one of us can play in helping to bring our world back to life, and how the technology we use every day can play a major role in tackling the climate and nature emergency.  

Consumers can participate in the One Million Phones for the Planet initiative by handing in their unwanted phones through one of Vodafone’s recycling, donation, or trade-in programmes.

  • Protecting the Planet
  • SDGs
  • SDG 12
  • Circular economy 
  • Environment
  • Hardware
  • Reducing emissions
  • Sustainability
  • WWF

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