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Instant Network Schools

Working with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency to bring digital education to refugee communities.


Every child has the right to a quality education.

Instant Network Schools was set up in 2013 by Vodafone Foundation and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to give young refugees, host communities and their teachers access to digital learning content and the internet, improving the quality of education in some of the most marginalised communities in Africa.

There are 130 Instant Network Schools currently operating across 6 countries: Kenya, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Mozambique and Egypt.

To date, the programme has benefitted over 352,000 students and over 6,400 teachers and coaches, ensuring that refugees and children from the communities that host them have access to accredited, quality, and relevant learning opportunities.

130 Instant Network Schools in

Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Mozambique, South Sudan and Tanzania


refugee students accessing education


teachers and coaches supported

Asset - James D’Rozario


‘Volunteering for Vodafone Foundation is the best thing I’ve ever done.’

James D’Rozario

Asset - Kelly-Tenille Mathurin


‘Instant Network Schools allow students and teachers to reach out to the world beyond the refugee camp.’

Kelly-Tenille Mathurin

Asset - Finstant-network-standing-schools-education-girls-ipad-tablet-foundation

Aiming to reach more

We’re working in partnership with UNHCR to connect 500,000 refugee students and their communities to a quality digital education by 2025.

Our partners

Vodafone Foundation is grateful to corporate partners Huawei, Milliweb, Safaricom, Vodacom MZ and Vodafone Egypt for their generous in-kind contributions which make this programme possible.


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