Connecting for Good
We believe in the power of connectivity to change lives. We use technology for good, creating solutions that bring about sustainable change, and can be scaled to benefit the greatest number of people across Vodafone’s global footprint.
About us
Through a strategy of Connecting for Good, Vodafone Foundation (UK registered charity 1193984) combines Vodafone's charitable giving and technology to create long-term, sustainable programmes that help to address the world’s most pressing problems.
Vodafone Group Plc is our principal funder for projects around the world that are run in partnership with other charitable organisations & NGOs.
Our work is centred around four core pillars of activity; Connected Learning, Connected Health, Connected Living, and a portfolio of apps.
Our local foundations
We’re at the centre of a network of 27 local social investment programmes, known as the local foundations. Together, we are one of the world’s largest corporate funding networks.
This global network makes us uniquely effective, enabling us to build strong local partnerships, think and act locally, and best respond to the specific needs of the communities in which Vodafone operates.
Board of Trustees
Nick Land
Chairman & Trustee
Elizabeth Filkin
Joakim Reiter
Patricia Ithau
Leanne Wood
Maria Amparo Moraleda Martinez
Maaike de Bie
Sateesh Kamath
Lisa is currently the Director of Vodafone Foundation, which is dedicated to deploying connectivity and technology to deliver long term, sustainable benefits for vulnerable communities around the world. Lisa’s previous roles include Head of External Affairs Strategy in Vodafone Group and Chief of Staff to the External and Corporate Affairs Officer, where she led the Vodafone response to the COVID crisis, during which Vodafone contributed over €150m, reaching over 100 million customers. Lisa was Head of Consumer Policy for several years, where she led Vodafone’s global internet safety initiatives and launched a number of Vodafone Foundation initiatives in relation to education and digital skills, including Instant Schools for Africa, reaching over 1.7m users. She has over 20 years’ experience as a lawyer and in policy both within Vodafone and in private practice. She is a Visiting Policy Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute and holds an MA from Oxford University in Law and a Masters in International Law of Human Rights.
Lisa Felton
Director of Vodafone Foundation
Reporting concerns
Vodafone Foundation is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct in the delivery of our programmes.
Our staff and delivery partners are expected to abide by the following principles:
- We will work actively to protect children, vulnerable adults and other beneficiaries from harm
- We will not use charitable funds for corrupt or fraudulent purposes
- We will not use charitable funds to bring commercial benefit to Vodafone
- We will respect the communities in which we operate
- We will comply with all applicable local law
If you witness unethical conduct linked to any Vodafone Foundation programme, we ask that you report this to us so that we may take appropriate action. Any reports of wrongdoing on the part of staff or delivery partners will be taken seriously and will be investigated fully.
You can report, in confidence, via the following email address:
Frequently asked questions
What is Vodafone Foundation?
Vodafone Foundation is an independent charity registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales with charity registration no. 1193984.
Since 1991, Vodafone Foundation has contributed over £560 million to charitable activities worldwide.
Vodafone Foundation maintains an “independent but linked” relationship with Vodafone, drawing on the technology and expertise within Vodafone, in order to maximize its charitable impact.
Vodafone Foundation’s independence is key to its ability to work globally with a wide range of partners to meet its charitable objectives.
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How is Vodafone Foundation funded?
Vodafone Foundation is primarily funded by Vodafone Group Plc.
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What is Vodafone Foundation's charitable aim?
Vodafone Foundation is committed to connecting communities around the world to improve lives. There is a unique network of 27 local foundations and social investment programmes that Vodafone Foundation works through.
The underlying belief of this network of foundations is that connectivity drives change. By using this network Vodafone Foundation aims to connect people with the necessary tools to make a difference in the world.
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